Free images and videos for any use

We've collected the best free sources for images and videos that could be used anywhere, including business use.
Use this in order to enhance your website design, newsletter or anything else - it is all up to you and all is allowed.

One giant big step ahead of all the other, Pixeabay server a collection of more than 380,000 totally free images, which can be searched using their extensive search engine.
A few points to consider:
  1. Search results include links to sponsored images which you will have to pay in order to download
  2. Consider signing up only for eliminating the need for typing the captcha numbers over and over when downloading pictures

Beautiful designed website that include wied veriety of pictures and videos which can be used without paying and with no attribution.


Classic designed search engine for free-to-use images. the collection is not so big, but pictures are high quality and easy to be found using the search engine.


Free tile background images which could be used to decorate your website in a delicate way.


Website that link to other free sources in the web. it include some links that mentioned above and much more that doesn't.
Links are separated into 4 main categories:
  • Free pictures
  • Free videos
  • Free sound effects
  • Free icons